Conspiracy Theories That Are So Crazy But Can No Longer Be Denied


In a world teeming with information, disinformation, and everything in between, conspiracy theories have carved their unique niche. These are not just your everyday, run-of-the-mill speculations; they are the extraordinary, the bizarre, and the utterly implausible. Yet, they have a certain allure, capturing the imaginations of those who dare to ponder the unknown.

1. Holocaust Denial Separating Fact from Fiction

Between 1941 and 1945, a tragic genocide unfolded across Europe, resulting in the death of six million Jews under the leadership of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Despite the Holocaust being one of the most well-documented events in history, a significant portion of the global population doubts its occurrence. In a 2014 survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League, only 30% of over 53,000 respondents from 100 countries believed historical accounts of the Holocaust were accurate.

This skepticism was more pronounced among individuals under the age of 65. While poor education on the subject may contribute to this skepticism, conspiracy theorists often perpetuate anti-Semitic claims that the Holocaust was either fabricated or exaggerated to gain sympathy and financial benefits for Jewish people. Historian Deborah E. Lipstadt, who has extensively researched Holocaust denial, identifies two categories of deniers: those who outright deny the Holocaust and those who question official death tolls and the use of gas chambers for mass murder.

Conspiracy Theories That Are So Crazy But Can No Longer Be Denied

2. JFK’s Assassination the Conspiracy Theories

On November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Jr. in Dallas, Texas. Just two days later, Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, a Texas nightclub owner, while being transported to a local jail. This sequence of events immediately fueled conspiracy theories.

Not only had a beloved president been fatally shot in broad daylight, but the accused assassin was also killed shortly afterward, prompting speculations of a cover-up. By the late 1960s, over 50% of Americans believed that Oswald did not act alone, a sentiment that persisted through 2017 when 61% of Americans thought there was a conspiracy behind the assassination.

Conspiracy Theories That Are So Crazy But Can No Longer Be Denied

3. Moon Landing Hoax Debunking Lunar Conspiracy Theories

In July 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made history by becoming the first humans to set foot on the moon’s surface. Despite the monumental achievement, by the 1970s, approximately 30% of Americans believed that the moon landing was a hoax. Alternative theories emerged, with William Kaysing, who originally wrote a book titled “We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle” as satire but eventually believed the moon landing conspiracy. Kaysing’s primary argument was that the iconic moon landing footage, watched by millions, was filmed at Nevada’s Area 51, a known hotspot for conspiracy theorists.

As recently as 2019, a small survey indicated that 10% of Americans still doubted the moon landing’s authenticity. Even NBA star Steph Curry’s disbelief in the moon landing led to NASA offering him a lunar lab tour.

4. Princess Diana’s Tragic Death the Conspiracies

The untimely death of Princess Diana in a car crash in Paris in 1997 gave rise to numerous conspiracy theories. The details of these theories vary, but most revolve around the belief that Diana’s fatal accident was not an accident at all. At the time of her death, Diana was romantically involved with Dodi Fayed, an Egyptian film producer who perished alongside her in the crash. Dodi’s father, Mohamed al-Fayed, claimed that the British monarchy opposed Diana’s relationship with Dodi due to his Egyptian and Muslim heritage.

Al-Fayed alleged that the royal family conspired to eliminate Diana and suggested that she was pregnant at the time of the crash, a claim disputed by the examining coroner.

5. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Examining the Unanswered Questions

The tragic events of September 11, 2001, saw nearly 3,000 lives lost during a series of coordinated terror attacks. This historic date marked the deadliest foreign attack on American soil, overshadowing even Pearl Harbor. Yet, the scale of loss and the subsequent narratives used to justify wars fueled conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11.

One prevalent theory alleges that the George W. Bush administration was involved in orchestrating the attacks or, at a minimum, had knowledge of them and allowed them to occur to facilitate a subsequent war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some proponents believe that the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers was the only explanation for their collapse, despite evidence to the contrary. Another theory suggests that the Pentagon was struck by a missile, not a plane.

6. Mass Shootings and False Flag” Claims The Role of Conspiracies

Mass shootings, like the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, have been plagued by conspiracy theories. After the Sandy Hook shooting, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claimed that the attack never occurred, labeling it as “completely fake” and accusing the grieving parents of hiring “actors.” Similar “false flag” allegations have arisen after other mass shootings, such as the one in Parkland, Florida, and the Las Vegas attack. Conspiracies often suggest that these shootings are staged events orchestrated by the “deep state

7. Pizzagate and the Origins of QAnon

In October 2016, the leaked emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, sparked one of the most bizarre conspiracy theories. The emails mentioned a possible fundraiser at a Washington, D.C., pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong, with references to “cheese pizza.” Conspiracists alleged that these seemingly innocent details concealed a sinister child sex-trafficking ring operated by Democratic leaders, including Clinton and Podesta. According to them, “cheese pizza” was a secret code for child pornography.

This theory, known as Pizzagate, led to the infamous incident when a man entered the pizzeria with an AR-15 rifle, believing the baseless claims. Pizzagate served as the precursor to QAnon, an even more elaborate conspiracy theory involving satanic pedophiles, child blood harvesting, and Donald Trump as a savior.

8. The Flat Earth Theory Questioning the Globe

The Flat Earth theory proposes that our planet is not a globe but a flat, disk-shaped object. While there isn’t comprehensive data on the number of Flat Earthers, it’s clear that a significant number of people subscribe to this belief, with younger generations showing particular interest. Flat Earthers generally believe that the Earth is flat, with an ice wall around the edge. Although this theory might seem easy to dismiss, it highlights a broader issue of scientific skepticism, particularly concerning topics like vaccines, which have real-world consequences.

9. COVID-19 as Population Control Debunking Pandemic Conspiracies

The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to numerous conspiracies, including claims that the virus is a means of population control. These theories range from implanting microchips via vaccines to inflating the virus’s fatality rate. A notable figure in these conspiracies is Bill Gates, who has been accused of not only creating the virus but also orchestrating it for population control. Despite repeated debunking, these theories have persisted due to a combination of factors, including political rhetoric and polarization.

10. Area 51 The Enigmatic Hub of Alien Theories

Area 51 is the epicenter of the most extensive alien conspiracy theory in the United States. This secretive base has been the source of many UFO stories. While the government officially acknowledges its interest in aerospace-related matters, the precise nature of the work conducted at Area 51 remains shrouded in mystery. A prevalent theory suggests that alien lifeforms from an accidental crash landing on Earth are hidden within the desert’s hills and subjected to testing and experimentation.

Additionally, theorists claim the area is associated with research into time travel, teleportation, and weather manipulation for destructive purposes. While the secrecy surrounding Area 51 fuels curiosity, concrete evidence remains elusive.

11. Mount Rushmore’s Hidden Chamber Fact or Fiction?

The iconic Mount Rushmore National Memorial has not been immune to conspiracy theories. While there is indeed a small room inside the monument behind Abraham Lincoln’s head, it was originally intended to house significant American documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

This chamber was meant to be a shrine commemorating the nation’s history. The construction of a massive staircase leading to a “Hall of Records” was planned but never completed due to budget constraints in 1939. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum’s passing left the space unfinished, and it now serves as a memorial to him. Some skeptics believe the hidden room conceals government secrets, leading to ongoing speculations about the true purpose of the chamber.

12. Mermaids In The Deep Seas Myths Of Aquatic Humanoids

The belief in mermaids, also known as sirens or aquatic apes, has persisted for thousands of years. Some conspiracy theorists claim that mermaids exist, and governments are concealing their existence. In 2012, the Discovery Channel aired a mockumentary called “Mermaids: The Body Found,” sparking social media speculation. However, it was later revealed that the scientists in the documentary were paid actors.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed that “no evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found.” Nevertheless, amateur web sleuths and TikTok users continue to share footage they believe proves the existence of mermaids, emphasizing that a significant portion of the ocean remains unexplored, fueling doubts about the unknown creatures that might exist.

13. Denver Airport Illuminati, Lizard People, and Portals to Hell

Conspiracy theorists contend that the Denver International Airport (DIA) serves as a hub for the Illuminati, the New World Order (NWO), and even a gateway to hell. Some believe that the airport’s layout and art, including a demonic horse sculpture named Blucifer and mysterious murals, are laden with hidden meanings and symbols associated with secret societies and sinister purposes. Whether DIA is intentionally playing into the conspiracies or concealing something is still a matter of debate.

14. CERN and the End of the World Alternate Realities and Apocalypse Seals

This theory suggests that the world ended in 2012 when CERN discovered the Higgs Boson, creating a black hole that engulfed the Earth, although this concept is highly unlikely due to the energy required for such an event. Various other conspiracy theories surround the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), including speculations about opening a portal to hell, triggering the apocalypse, and attempting to summon deities like Shiva and Cernunnos. Additional theories propose experiments with time travel and accessing different timelines.

15. Frozen Conspiracy Manipulating Search Algorithms

A conspiracy theory claims that The Walt Disney Company created the movie “Frozen” to manipulate Google’s search algorithm. The objective was to direct online searches related to “Disney Frozen” toward information about the movie instead of the rumor that Walt Disney himself was cryogenically frozen. Although unconventional, the theory suggests that this tactic was used to maintain Disney’s family-friendly image.

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